Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Huge Updates

Not really any updates to give. The past twenty four hours have been rather draining on us. We are grateful for all the prayers and support that you all have given. Thank you! They are needed, and they are felt!

Went to visit babies last night and saw Keaton in his tiny little room all by himself. It is basically a closet with a sink. Room in there only for his incubator and one chair. Lighting options are dim light so he thinks it is night 24/7 or extremely bright light that is too bright for him to open his eyes. We have to scrub our hands/arms, then put on a disposable plastic gown and gloves before entering the room and we have to rescrub before leaving the room.

We can touch him, but it is with our plastic gloves, so that means for a minimum of three weeks he will not have any skin to skin touch, even by hands. My heart breaks for him thinking how important that is, and that he is not going to get it. Was somewhat comforted that we can hold him, although it is with our plastic gowns and plastic gloves, so that can't be very comforting to him? It certainly is better though than not being able to hold him at all.

He remained the same weight last night and has really not gained weight for almost a week. His weight has fluctuated back and forth for the past week, and he is at maximum amount of feedings for his weight, so we really need to pray for weight gain when praying for the healing of this infection.

Keaton seems to be a little fussier today too. Hope this isn't a sign of a cold or anything. Nurses said he was screaming when they moved his incubator to the isolation room. I like to think it was him complaining about being taken away from McKenna. And he was pretty mad this morning when they put the blood pressure cuff on his leg, or moved him. Glad to see he has a little spunk.

McKenna's blood transfusion was finished around three this morning. She was nice and pink this morning. Her count is still lower than average for preemies, but apparently not low enough to give her more blood at this point. We are hoping she will begin producing the blood on her own from here on out, but that would be a miracle. They are still too young to produce their own blood.

Doctor has increased her feedings again tonight, so rather than the 1/2 ml every six hours, they will increase it by that amount every three hours. They don't think this is too fast to where it would cause problems again. Let's hope and pray not! At that rate, she should be back up to her 20 ml by Monday, I think. As they increase the breast milk, they will decrease the fats and protein intake, so that is good too. Once she is off that, she will not need the IVs, although they will keep them in her arm and foot until they no longer are working.

Please pray for weight gain, protection from viruses, overall health and growth, and protection from MRSA (what brother has).

Thanks again everyone!!!

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