Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gaining Weight

We were so excited to walk into the NICU last night and see both babies had the Pick Lines out. Those were the IV Cathiters put in their legs that went up by their hearts and were used for adding protein and fats to the diet. However, because they are doing so well with breast milk, they no longer need those proteins and fats and it was more dangerous for them to have the pick lines in and risk infection.

McKenna is currently getting 20 ml of breast milk with 4 calories added every three hours. She is digesting it well and remained at 2 lbs 5 oz last night, which is huge since they got the IV out. We were told that being removed would most likely cause weight loss.

Keaton has a few cuts on his leg where they removed the pick line. They had to tape them down to make sure they didn't move or come out, so when they removed the tape it some of his skin went with it. So sad! He gained two ounces yesterday and is up to 3 lb 4 oz. That is huge. He is back to being almost a pound heavier than McKenna and you can really tell the difference between them with their sizes. He is doing so well.

Please continue to pray as you have been, and especially pray for McKenna and her apnea (where she stops breathing). This is by far the hardest thing to watch. Also, please begin praying they get to go home at the same time, or around the same time. I am nervous one will go home and the other will be left alone in NICU.

Thanks everyone! We appreciate and love you all!!!

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