Saturday, April 11, 2009


*Keaton is the picture with the white hat thing on. McKenna is the other two pics.

McKenna decided she had finally had enough, and Friday was the birth of our first children. McKenna's movement was still pretty much non existent, her amniotic fluid was still low and still having problems with her blood flow. The goal was for them to be born and for her to be able to improve in those areas.

I was wheeled back to Perinatal ICU, where we had been staying the past couple of nights, and told to get out of clothes, into hospital gown and then the paperwork and everything was started. It all moved rather quickly and within an hour I had swigged antibiotics, filled out all consent forms, asked my few little questions and was sitting on an operating table waiting to meet Keaton and McKenna. My main concerns were that my doctor was out of town, so it was his partner operating, and I was scared I wouldn't get to see the babies.

So I laid there, with Dr Walker singing "John Jacob Jinglehymer Smith" and felt my body be twisted and turned every which way while they began the surgery. Kyle sat next to me the entire time with a huge smile on his face from fascination over the whole surgery thing and was excited they let him watch the whole thing.

So they started cutting, which I was grateful I couldn't feel, and I felt some deep pushes that knocked the wind out of me practically. And, Then I heard it...the tiniest little cry that sounded so pathetic and tiny. It was adorable. And the nurses told me to look to my left because they were getting ready to bring baby over. Got to see Keaton for about 5 seconds and then they whisked him away to do stuff with him but that 5 seconds was amazing.

Two minutes after Keaton was born, I hear the other cry. This one isn't quite as delicate, but still very tiny sounding and adorable for a cry. And, as they did with Keaton, the nurses brought McKenna over to my left side, let me see her for about 5 seconds and rushed her off. She was so tiny it scared me to look at her.

McKenna was born 2 lbs and 13 inches, with curly brown hair and is the tiniest baby I have ever seen.

Keaton was born 3 lbs and 18.5 inches with blond hair that almost looks grayish. He is meatier than McKenna, but still super small. Not sure how people hold babies when they are that tiny.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

ahhhh such miracles! i teared up as i looked at these precioius gifts! and to think just two weeks ago they were kicking my hand and saying sweet hellos to me. just so precious and pricless children you have! your kids are beautiful and so sweet!