Sunday, April 26, 2009

Keaton's Growing, McKenna Still Needs Prayer

Keaton is doing so well and we are so excited for him. He keeps going back and forth from 3 lb, 3 oz to 4 oz, but either of those is fine with us. He is growing and that is what is important.

He is now up to 30 ml of breast milk (an entire ounce) with 4 calories added which is usually the max amount of calories they will add for a baby his size.

Keaton is often alert, looking around and responsive to noise. He sleeps with his hands on his face or arms up by his head. It's so precious. He has a very mellow personality so far and all the nurses comment on how laid back he is compared to McKenna.

Seems that one of Keaton's favorite things to do is go the bathroom all over the nurses, or all over his bed. And last night while hold him he was sure to spit up all over himself and his mommy's sweater. Poor guy.

All the nurses comment on how fiesty McKenna is and how she is in control. They also comment on how many people tell them she is so cute. She loves to suck her Binky and that is the only thing that seems to calm her, or her mommy's voice which is not always available. They also say she hates having a dirty diaper and the second it is dirty you can hear her screaming from the other side of the room. That's my girl...just like her daddy...hates the idea of a mess.

McKenna was very alert yesterday and responsive. However, the IV in her arm fell out of place so they had to remove that and replace it in her hand on the other side. She SCREAMED and cried so hard that she stopped breathing when they were removing the IV and tape/board holding the old one in place. It was so hard to watch that Kyle and I ended up leaving the room until they were completely finished. Felt bad abandoning her, but man, to see your baby so scared and hurting and you can't do anything?

The nurses thought McKenna looked better yesterday. She still looks extremely pale to Kyle and me. But her stomach didn't have as many loops in it which is a great thing.

They are still planning on holding off her feedings for another 6 days or so (it has already been four) although we are praying that will change. She appears very hungry and sucks on her Binky really hard around her normal feeding times and when doing oral care she gulps on the tiny drop of water that is on the sponge. It's so sad to watch.

Apparently she does have the infection they have been looking for, but she just has the "suspected" level. Hoping and praying that it doesn't get worse and that they caught it early enough to completely fight it and help her get big and strong.

Thanks everyone for your prayers, love, support, and encouraging words. You are all such a blessing and our babies will look back at all your comments and prayers and see how loved they are.

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