Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Waiting Anxiously

Well, we are finally at twelve weeks and into the second trimester and feel so blessed to have made it this far with two babies. God is so good and faithful and we will forever give thanksgiving to Him for all He does, but especially for the opportunity to carry these precious little ones.

Tomorrow we go to the doctor for our twelve week check-up and will hopefully hear both heartbeats, or at least see them on the portable ultra sound again. Kyle and I are both anxious to see and/or hear that both babies are still there and both are doing okay. We usually do great after the doctor appointment for about a week before we start panicing with every cramp, pain or change in body. We have wanted to be parents for so long now we fear that we will lose one of the babies or something will go wrong. I am sure that all pregnant women go through that at some point in their pregnancy. It truly does make us rely on God and trust that He is in control and His will is going to be done, no matter what we want, but our human nature is still to stress until we are reassured time and time again that they are okay.

Nausea seemed to be quite a bit better today. Actually was able to do laundry and dust the house, went to eat dinner with mother-in-law and ran to Target to get new "undergarments". Finally I can go in public again and be properly covered.

Praying this week for our babies' reflexes. This week they are developing, the kidneys begin working so babies start urinating, and they begin the sucking with their mouths and taking in the amniotic fluids. Love these babies already so much. And getting to hear and read about what is going on each week is so exciting and makes me feel that much closer to them.

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