Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ultra Sound Results

Well, I think we are more confused following the ultra sound than we were before going into it. They found two sacks. One was normal looking and the other was "suspicious". We weren't sure what it meant to have a suspicious sack and kept digging for clarity but she didn't elaborate. We asked if it meant that the suspicious sack would not form into a baby or that we would lose the baby but she wasn't sure.

The positive thing is that she set us up for an ultra sound next Thursday. Apparently you can see the heart beat between week 5 1/2 and 6 weeks. We were right at 5 1/2 weeks when she did the first ultra sound, so we are hoping they just did it too soon. Next week we should be able to see the heart beat and determine if there is one heart or two. If two, then the suspicious sack has survived (at least this far) but if just one sack then the second one just did not develop. We are in prayer that God's will be done and that we are able to just enjoy every moment of this experience rather than stress about the details.

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