Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tomorrow's the Day

So tomorrow we get to meet with the OB nurse. We will go over all the paperwork and financial stuff and will have the opportunity to ask all our questions. Started to make a list of questions though it does seem complete. I know that there are several I am forgetting and will hopefully think of them before the appointment or will just have to call and ask the nurse later. Then we will do the ultra sound.

A bit annoyed that we are having appointment with nurse before the ultra sound. If we end up having twins we will have a lot more questions following the ultra sound. Would make more sense to me to do the ultra sound first, but that's okay.

The ultra sound we are so excited for. I can't wait to see if there is one or two babies in there. I assume there is only one, but either way seeing the sack will be the most amazing thing.

Biggest struggle right now is the nausea. It is getting worse each day it seems. I wake up in the middle of the night sick and try to nibble on something to help from puking. So far I have been luck not to puke. I need to start drinking more, but with nausea, like the food, beverages are just hard to get down right now. Hopefully I will be able to drink the bottle of water before the ultra sound tomorrow without puking.

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