Friday, October 10, 2008

Sick as a Dog

Went to the doctor Monday and Wednesday for HCG levels to be drawn. They are suppose to double every 48 hours and they have more than done that. They were at 290 on Monday and Wednesday they were up to 800. We are so grateful for the positive results and the huge increase in levels.

My nausea is getting worse each day. I wake up in the middle of the night on the verge of puking and in the morning hardly able to move out of fear I will puke. A book I have been reading on pregnancy suggested having cookies by the bed for when you wake up to snack on 15 minutes before you get up. So, I have been snacking on those in the middle of the night when I get really sick and they help a bit. The nausea seems to prevent me from sleeping though and I find myself tossing and turning a lot throughout the night. Feel bad for Kyle as I know it is really hard for him to sleep with me moving around.

Next Thursday they are going to do an ultra sound to see if there is one or two sacks. I predict there will just be one, but will be fun to see one way or the other. They originally were going to do it in a few weeks so we would be able to see a heart beat too, but they have moved it up. Dr Stamps said he predicts there is just one baby based on my numbers but I can't help but wonder if he thinks possibly there are two since he bumped it up so soon.

We will also get to meet with a nurse Thursday and ask any questions we have and get things all set up with paperwork and finances. We are just still on cloud 9 and feel so blessed that this procedure has worked this far. We continue praying that the baby(ies) continues to grow healthy and well, and that I can keep down food and beverages. I know I am a bit dehydrated as it is hard to drink withough gagging.

Almost three weeks into the pregnancy (5 according to doctor) and we are still smiling through it all.

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