Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lack of Sleep

Is it too early for ensomnia to be setting in? The past week or so I have been exhausted but sleep is not an option. I will lay there with my eyes shut for hours, literally, but won't be able to fall asleep.

Apparently my mind is just to full of thoughts, worries, concerns, excitement, or something which is preventing me from sleeping. If I lay on my side it bothers my tummy and makes me feel really nausous. If I lay on my back it is really uncomfortable. Also, if I finally start to fall asleep, I usually will wake up and have to use the bathroom or will wake up on the edge of puking. The first couple weeks I had food by my bed to snack on when I woke up sick. Still have the food by the bed, but food sounds so gross lately that the thought of eating saltines or ritz makes me more sick than not eating at all. All-in-all though, I am still SO happy, excited and feel so blessed to be pregnant!

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