Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Day Down

Nausea today has been really bad. Finally got about a four hour break from it and Kyle and I went to a movie and then stopped at H&M to see if they had some camis or other shirts. He just picked up Chinese food from PF Changs and we are going to see how my tummy does with that.

We went to hospital to have them inject the shots today to see if that would help decrease pain and bruising. It didn't. Nurse said it is normal but it made me feel like less of a wuss that she acknowledged how bad the bruising and swelling is.

Ultra sound and blood work went well today too. We only have 10 follicles (out of 36) that have really started growing, so we are praying that we will get at LEAST 10 more if not even more than that to be a good size and removable. They have to be 2 cm to remove. the 10 growing are currently 1 cm. If they are too far over 2 cm, they will be too large to remove/use.

Prayer requests: More follicles growing, that follicles don't get too large, that the follicles growing have eggs in them, and the pain/swelling in tummy goes down.

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