Friday, November 21, 2008

Ten Week Check-up

What a nightmare. Kyle was out of town for work, so my mother-in-law joined me. That was a huge blessing as the appointment was way more emotional than we had planned. This was the appointment we were suppose to hear both heartbeats. Luckily last appointment our doctor had warned that with twins it can be difficult to determine which is which baby and so on.

He put the doplar on my belly, moved it around a couple times and then we heard it, the thumping of precious baby A's heart. It was around 160s. It was beautiful and emotional and so exciting. Then he started searching for Baby B. He moved it around for maybe two to three minutes and then decided to bring in the portable ultra sound since he wasn't able to locate the heart.

Within a minute or two, he found Baby A. The baby was jumping around, moving and you could see the baby's hands and feet moving. It was so amazing. But when it came time to find Baby B, it was more tricky. He searched for about five minutes without saying anything. I was crying and praying that God would give me the strength to face whatever outcome we were about to find.

The doctor kept searching but since he hadn't found the twin after five minutes told us we would have to go see the ultrasound technician because she could probably find it better. Afterall, the portable ultrasound screen is only the size of a hand. And then, just as he was getting ready to remove the wand, God intervened...there was Baby B...curled in a little ball, not moving, but the heart was beating. I continued crying of course as I was so scared we had lost one of the babies and was/am so grateful that God has spared us that tragedy, at least for now.

We go back in two weeks to make sure that both babies are still there, and hopefully next visit both will be up and dancing around so we won't have to worry.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

ALready God showed you the personality of your babies. One is going to be outgoing,energetic, early riser in the morning, the other more calm, subdued, laid back, and enjoys sleeping. That was the purpose of your ultrasound today was for God to show you their personalities.