Monday, March 30, 2009

God is in Control!

Feel completely helpless and scared out of my mind today. Listening to worship music and trying to keep my focus on God, but really scared for our babies.

We are scheduled to meet with another doctor (Dr Dicks or Dix) on Wednesday afternoon for a second opinion on what to do about Baby B's development. Talked with a friend that had twins a few months ago at 29 and half weeks along and she had to deliver at that point in pregnancy due to basically the same symptoms our daughter is showing.

I am scared that we are going to lose one of our babies. Trying my best to focus on God and keep in mind He is in control. I would rather be in His will than to suffer consequences of being out of it, but that is a scary thought because most of the time it seems my will is not His.

Our prayers today are that God would have mercy and protect these twins. That He would spare them and help them to be healthy and well. I pray that I can keep my focus on God and not the hundreds of possibilities of everything that can go wrong. And we pray that baby girl would start growing and catch up to her brother, and that he would continue to grow.

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