Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mickey and Therapy

In NICU they continually reminded us with preemies they take one step forward and two steps back. It was a depressing thought, but we found it to be true and unfortunately it seems to continue to be the saying for McKenna.

We have been so blessed and grateful to post positive things and the wonderful improvements we have been seeing, but in the back of our minds we remains the long journey she still has, mainly with the feeding.

This week we were finally able to return to Myer Center for feeding therapy. McKenna has not had it for three weeks (therapist gone two weeks and then we were sick last week). To make a long story short the therapist was in agreement with Kyle and me that McKenna has not made improvement on the feeding side of things for a couple months. Well, she has made MINIMAL improvement is how she worded it. If McKenna was not eating solely due to an oral aversion the therapist things McKenna would be making more progress than she is currently making.

So what does that mean? Honestly we aren't quite sure. We are going to decrease feeding therapy at the Myer Center to every other week since weekly isn't benefiting her. The therapist is recommending McKenna go to a feeding clinic (closest one is in St Louis) which we are waiting to see if this will be covered by insurance and how long we would be there (looks like 4-6 weeks) and what all it entails. We still have not found a cure for the retching which could be a big cause to her not eating, and KC has failed as far as follow-up and direction.

We are a bit discouraged, overwhelmed and down that our baby girl is still having to face this battle. August last year she was still eating out of a bottle, was pushing herself up when on her belly and was happy as a clam. Fast forward to August 2010 and she is just now crawling (Though we are so grateful and proud of her for that) doesn't talk or babble and still appears to be in a ton of pain with the retching spells. God? I know you hear us...please heal our baby!!!

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