Thursday, July 17, 2008

Looking Up

So, things are looking up a bit. We went to St Louis Tuesday and can I just say I have the sweetest husband out there? It ws that time of the month where my cramps are so severe I can do nothing but curl in a ball and cry. Well, we had to leave springfield at 5 in the morning to get to our St Louis apt on time, and Kyle let me sleep the entire way up there, stopped once for me to use the restroom and didn't complain, and then the way back he let me sleep as well without complaining. A four hour drive there without anyone to talk to, then four hours back 15 minutes later is quite the drive without being able to blare your music to keep you awake or anything. It was really appreciated though.

Anyhow, we got to St Louis nearly an hour early, and they let us get in right away, did teh ultra sound in 15 minutes and then we were back on the road to gorgeous Springfield. Found out that I have 20 folicles on my right ovary, 8 on my left ovary. That is pretty great to have a total of 28 folicles. While that does not mean that I have 28 eggs, it does give us quite the large number to work with. So we are both pretty happy abut that and praying that with the stimulation drugs, the folicles will be large enough to remove and that we will have a large quantity of eggs to work with. Obviously the more eggs you have, the more you can fertilize and the more likely you are to get healthy embryos. We still have over a month before we start the stimulation drugs, but this week we were given a bit more hope, so we are looking up today.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

kyle is so sweet to be so supportive with your cramps! what a good hubby you have!