Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Library Time

Trying to do more activities with the twins to help them adjust to social environments and not always being so attached to mommy and daddy. Also I need it for me as I know I will have major separation anxiety when they go to school. They are my. Everything and I crave time with them when I go out and I'm away from them. Here are a few activities we are trying to stick with on a regular basis.

MOPS the first and third Tues every month
Library story time Wednesday mornings
McKenna feeding therapy Thursday afternoons
Play date with Emily's daughter and sometimes Jen's kids Thursday mornings
Daddy time every Saturday morning while mommy goes to Zumba workout
Play date with Darla's son, David, the third Monday every month
Tuesday open gym at Nixa gymnastics. We are trying to do this once a month

Hoping to start doing jump mania or other jump center at least once or twice a month but have yet to take the twins on my own. When summer comes we will be able to do pool time multiple days a week too.

My goal in the next few weeks is to set a daily and weekly schedule planning play dough day, color day, paint day, abc and number day, colors day, scissor time, etc. that way I can make sure they get it all in on a regular basis and will decrease their TV time that slowly seems to be increasing daily. It's easy to turn on a show while I cook, clean or plan out the day. Working on getting out crayons or books instead of the TV but so far it has been a very failed attempt.

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