Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weight Check

Got a call from doctor yesterday and they are concerned about McKenna's low weight gain. Because of this, they have arranged for a nurse to come out to the house a couple times a week to weigh her. Apparently taking her to doctor once or twice a week is burning too many calories so they would prefer to come out here. Also, since they don't want her around kids/babies, taking her to the doctor's office is putting her at a risk of getting sick, so no more trips to doctor until their four month check up in August. Of course that is assuminng that she DOES gain the necessary weight and doesn't show signs of needing more blood work.

If McKenna does not improve her eatings she will have to get a feeding tube. This is something Kyle and I would be trained on inserting and we would have to put the tube in after each feeding if she doesn't do a certain amount. Praying it doesn't get to this point.

Last night was rather difficult with McKenna's eating. She didn't meet her minimum for two of the feedings and struggled to wake up for the feedings too. She did a lot better this afteroon. I had to take off her clothes and feed her in just her diaper to get her eating, which in the past has not been okay because it burns too many calories for her to stay warm, but when she is struggling to eat even an ounce, I think it is probably better if she is warming her body and burning calories instead of burning calories she is not even taking into her body by not eating.

Keaton has been fussy off and on still. We have tried the gas drops, tiring him out, letting him sleep, holding him, not holding him...he just is requiring a lot of attention right now. If we hold him or sit holding the pacifier in his mouth for hours then he seems to be alright.

He is back to his eating every three hours at night. It was nice while the four hours between feedings lasted, but that was very short lived. Hopefully he will start back up on that agaiin soon...we are ready for him to sleep through the nights and going from three to two feedings a night really did help a lot.

Thanks for all the prayers everyone! We really appreciate them!

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