Saturday, July 18, 2009


We got the results yesterday from the blood work and McKenna's levels have gone down again. Not sure why since she has not had blood in her stools for nearly a week (praise God). So we have been waiting all day for doctor to call us to see when we need to go back for another blood test and to see if another transfusion is needed at this time.

Pediatrician and heart doctor both think that it is okay to wait for transfusion. The confusion is that the pediatrician is telling us to wait a month before we do next blood test and heart doctor said we need to wait one week before more tests. Nothing more stressful and confusing than two doctors calling you and telling you contradicting information or scheduling so we are frustrated, as usual.

SO, we are waiting until Monday now to see if we should do a blood test next week or wait the full month. They have both agreed she needs more iron, in addition to what she is currently getting. So we are starting her on an additional med this evening. Hoping this will help her out. She is really tired out and not wanting to wake up to eat again lately, which has been a sign in the past for needing a transfusion.

The heart doctor is sending out ANOTHER monitor Monday which will determine how much oxygen she is getting. We will have the Sat Monitor on her for 24 hours and htey are trying to determine if the heart rate drops are because of low oxygen. Of course they had this monitor on her in NICU and there wasn't oxygen problems, and when she was in the hospital for five days following the NICU they had it on her and there wasn't low oxygen at that point either. So really it is just another expense and more of a hassle than anything else. It seems like they can't come up with a reason she is still having the drops so they decided they will just keep running the same tests to see if they get a different results. Sure would like to see our doctor's house after all the expenses we must be huge. Glad we were able to get him an upgrade.

Keep praying for our babies please! Especially McKenna.

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