Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bu Bye Monitor Number One

We got rid of Keaton's heart monitor. Yipee! We are thrilled that we can now pick up our son, carry him around the house or change his diaper or give him baths without carrying a machine with a super long cord everywhere we go. What a joy.

McKenna still has her monitor and will have it until things clear up with her bloody stools and we are sure she won't be needing more transfusions. We are more than okay with her still having hers because she is still so tiny looking that it makes us feel more comfortable and safe knowing she has it on.

The blood in McKenna's stools has gone away. She hasn't had it for two days - woo hoo- and that is while being on the "affordable" formula. We are not getting hopes up too high though. There have been days where she doesn't have blood in her stools and then it ends up coming back. So for now that plan is to keep her on this formula until she has blood. If she has blood, we immediately switch her to the more expensive stuff and she will go straight to KC.

We are temporarily able to avoid the KC trip Monday. The pediatrician thinks we will get there and they will tell us to try the other formula two weeks before doing the scan, so we are going to wait. If by miracle she truly doesn't have any more blood, we won't have to go to KC at all, so that is obviously our prayer.

Tuessday we take McKenna in for a weight check and another blood count to make sure a transfusion is not needed. So until then, those are all the updates we have. Thanks everyone for your prayers, love and support. As always, it is so wonderful knowing you all are holding us up in prayers. Thanks!!!

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