Thursday, September 19, 2013

Down 100, and starting second decrease

A month ago, tomorrow, we decreased McKenna's tube feed by 100 calories. She has managed to maintain her weight and this past week even gained 2 oz. This is huge for McKenna! If we were stuck at this quantity of tube feed for a while I would be disappointed that it wasn't still decreasing, but it would still be improvement so I would be content. However, we aren't staying here. We are decreasing her tube feed by another 100 calories. I am so excited! Starting tomorrow, McKenna will be getting one box of formula instead of 1 1/2 that she was getting last month, or the 1 box plus 2 oz from this month. Gooooo McKenna Goooo!!! As always, my prayer is this trend continues. It is during flu season, so that is a bit worrisome but God is in control and knows the outcome before we even begin to reduce it again. So cheers to eventually being a tube free baby. Cheers to one day having her own room and a big girl bed. Cheers to growth and weight gains and a happy, healthy little girl.

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