Saturday, November 3, 2012


Oh my. The o,Der the twins get, the harder it is to discipline. How in the world does a mom discipline in public these days? When I was a kid you would be spanked for the smallest thing. If you spank these days, especially in public, you risk being turned in to family services. McKenna is tricky to punish. Spankings don't seems to effect her and time out she doesn't stay put and practically skips her way over to the corner. However, this past week we have started spanking every time she gets out of time out. And when she talks or gets out of time out I reset the timer. Se stands there three minutes without moving and can leave the corner when the timer goes off. So she chooses the overall length of time based on how often she gets out. She finally is getting the hang of it, and three times this week she went to time out, didn't talk, didn't move and stayed put until timer went off. I was in tears practically with disbelief she was obeying. And Kyle actually even said today, "wow, McKenna does so well in time-out." Of course, I snipped that it was due to a very stressful week full of spanking to teach her to obey. Keaton has always been good with obeying until the past two or three weeks. I spank and he smiles and says, "see, I didn't cry. I'm a big boy." So I'm thinking I need to spank harder. I put him in timeout and he screams the entire time, sits down (not an option with time out in our house), throws his body against the wall, tries to climb the has been a long week. And in public I use to put them in time out and they would straighten up immediately. Now I do that and they laugh and do kart wheels on there way to the corner.

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