Monday, July 2, 2012


I don't care my son snores, throws tantrums, doesn't share, kicks and hits, spits at people to be funny, cries when he doesn't get his way, occassionally pees his pants, doesn't eat what I want him to all the time, prefers someone other than mommy at times...I. Don't care that he is not "perfect". I am 100% in love with my son and get excited everyday that god allowed me to be his mom. I don't care that McKenna does baby talk, doesn't use manners all the time, screams at top of her lungs for attention, clinches teeth and punches when frustrated, doesn't eat with her mouth, requires a feeding tube, often has crusty boogers, still has to sleep in our room. I am 100% in love with my daughter no amazed god allowed me to be her mom. Three years ago I was finally able to bring my babies home from the hospital and I was scared and overwhelmed but so in love. As the twins grow it is amazing to watch the personalities develop and see who god is building them to become.

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