Friday, July 16, 2010


OH my goodness, how adorable is my son? Not sure if I included the word "Nice" in the list of words that he says, however it seems to be one of his favorites.

McKenna's favorite thing to do is "pet" Keaton. She rubs his head, taps his shoulders, touches his face. She is very gentle with him (other than the times she does that to lead into pulling back on his collar to choke him - no joke). So when she is doing these sweet gestures I say, "Yes, nice McKenna. McKenna be nice," to help reminder her that choking is not the necessary next step.

Well Keaton has picked up on it. So he now goes around gently slapping McKenna in the face or on the arm and saying, "nice, nice." It's hard not to laugh and to decide whether desciplining is in order. Can't tell if he is trying to be nice or is being mean and thinking he can cover it up with the word.

So yesterday, I decided to face my fears head on while an itsy bitsy spider dangled over Keaton's highchair that he was sitting on. Yes, i killed the spider...with my barehand. I slapped it against the wall. If I didn't do it right then I feared it getting away or landing on Keaton. And right as I did it Keaton yelled out "Nice!" whether he was meaning nice as in nice job or nice as in be nice mommy, it was hilarious and made me forget that I had actually just killed a nasty eight legged insect.

Then last night Keaton kept getting into the cabinet under the kitchen sink and I couldn't find the childproof tool he had hidden so I told him if he opened it one more time (he takes out the carpet cleaners and wants to play with the bottles) I was going to slap his hand. Of course, being a baby Keaton went right back to the cabinet and opened it so I followed through with my threat and hit his hand. "NICE...NICE...NICE" Keaton started to say so stearnly. Yes, this time I knew he was meaing for me to BE nice! He is so cute.

Few other words he is obssesed with are up, off and mess. He is continually wanting to be picked up (which I absolutely love), wanting to shut the lights off, close the door "off" (yes off instead of shut), or take the rings off the stacker". And Mess - he points at his tray during meals and says mess over and over, and does the same thing when looking at McKenna's tray, or when he comes in livingroom and sees his toys all over. Guess mommy needs to cut back on saying that term. Don't want him becoming OCD or thinking messes are a bad thing.


Brenda S. Marin said...

Kimberly these last couple of posts are so beautiful. I am so glad you are seeing the Lord work miracles for your babies. How amazing that you actually get to see the Hand of God move over your two precious babies. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and rejoice with you during these amazing times!!!

The Lundgrens said...

This is hilarious!! Caleb's all time favorite word for about a month was "mess" also. (he still loves it and says it several times a day)
We were in the restroom at Braums. He had washed his hands and dried them. He was absolutely frantic, wanting more paper towels. He was saying, "Mess, Mess!!!" and looking down. I saw that he dripped water on his feet (sandals on). I said, "Oh, do you need to dry your feet?" So, I get him more paper towel. WHat does he do??
Crumples it up and starts wiping down the restroom floor, because it had water drops on it!!!
It was funny and scary all at the same time. I kept thinking, What have I done to make him SO freaked out about messes? :-))))
Anyway, you're in for some REALLY FUN days. It just keeps getting better and better after they turn 1.