Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Two weeks ago we took Keaton to the doctor because he was snoring so loud and had apnea spells throughout the night. His sleep was restless with a bunch of turning and waking. The ENT said he had 75% of. His airway blocked with swollen tonsils and adenoids, so long story short they scheduled us for aurgery to have adenoids and tonsils removed the following week. Today marks week one since Keaton had the surgery. The poor guy has been miserable. He has lost weight, he is talking high pitched from pain, is hurting to bad to eat Orr drink much...it has not been fun. He has been a real trooper. The only way to get him to eat or drink, or to take his meds is to give him iPad time. Keaton is finally starting to Eat a little. But it is pretty difficult to get him to do much. Doctors say will be ten to fourteen days before throat starts to feel better. He is still snoring, although its not as loud. Before the surgery he couldn't breathe through his nose...adnoids blocked the passage, and he is finally starting to breathe through his nose now. That's exciting to see since mouth breathing is so loud. Hopefully in the next few days Keaton will be less fussy, start eating better and start feeling better. He slept with mommy in the family room for the first week so he could have his meds every four hours and because was so fussy and in so much pain. Mommy is happy to be back in her room but Keaton is now having to adjust to sleeping in a room by himself again. He insists on having the family room lights on all night. Curious what our electric bill will be this month.

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