Saturday, July 23, 2011

Minor Concussion

While mommy was in the kitchen washing dishes she heard a thud and then Keaton screaming. He ran into the kitchen and out of no where had a huge bruise and welt on his forehead. I went into the family room to see what happened and the box of cars was next to the table and it looked like Keaton either fell of the box and hit his head or McKenna pushed him off and he hit his head.

Because of how quickly it bruised and the swelling started I freaked out and immediately called our pediatrician hot line since it was after office hours and was told to watch for signs of concussion, one which was Keaton puking 2 or more times in the next 36 hours.

Within ten minutes of the accident Keaton seemed fine. He wasn't screaming or crying, his eyes weren't over dilated, he wasn't pale or acting odd, so I figured we were in the clear. Then yesterday, 12 hours after it happened, Keaton puked all over in the car. He did only puke once but he also acted odd throughout the day and was not very active. He didn't show any signs for a major concussion, so we are just marking it as his first minor concussion and keeping an eye on him. Man oh man, it is one big bruise. Poor guy!

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