Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Theeeee Smartest Little Boy

I truly think I have the smarted little boy in the world. He is so much fun to watch explore and learn. He loves his books and is always eager to go pick out a new one from the office to have daddy read to him. He points and the pictures and tells you what things are or the colors or asks, "what's that" only to follow it up with telling you what something is.

This week I have been wearing my Evangel University sweatshirt and Keaton points at each letter and tells me what they are. We have a Dr Seuss ABC book and he goes through and can identify almost every letter. He has a numbers puzzle and can tell you what numbers he is putting in the puzzle. He loves to color and stack and count and sing. He can tell you most of Jack and Jill, Twinkle Twinkle, Row your boat and several others.

And my favorite new thing he does is points and babies and calls them baby Jesus. He got this from the manger. Grandma would point and say baby Jesus so he now relates all babies as being baby jesus. So cute. Can't wait to see what the Lord does with this knowledge he so quickly is gainign and how he will use it to further HIS Kingdom.

1 comment:

Judith and Lance said...

Wow, he does sound VERY smart!