Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rolled Over

Woo hoo...Keaton rolled over today on his own. Has been a while since he has done that, so I was super excited when I turned around for a second and looked back only to find that he had rolled over.

Keaton is a delight. He is full of smiles, laughs a lot and talks none stop. He is adorable and interactive. Every time I see him my heart melts at what a little angel Keaton is and how blessed I am to have a son. Can't wait to see what he will do for a living, what he will be like when he grows up, who he will marry, where he will live...the whole works.

McKenna is really improving on tummy time. She is lifting her head more and holding it up for longer periods of time. She is starting to coo a little bit when she sees Keaton, but is still a pretty quiet baby unless you make her mad. Wow does she have a scream then.

She has the most incredible smile and loves it when we say "boop" and touch her nose. She loves to be held and talked to. She stares at Keaton and is eager to get his attention. She is content most of the time and very laid back. What a blessing to have a daughter that is so sweet, loving and wonderful from the start. I love waking her up to see her smile and she makes me laugh all the time. I never knew how funny a baby could be.

Motherhood has been more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Waking up each morning and hearing or seeing the babies makes me smile ear to ear and makes life feel more complete. We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

i didn't know he rolled over again! that's awesome so and on his five month birthday he rolled over...yippee! you are such a good mom to continue tummy time!