Wednesday, May 21, 2008

one more week

A week from today and we will meet our first of two infertility doctors. The first one is the one my OB doctor recommended and one that he has worked with in the past. because of that i am tempted to chose him, but i want to do what is best for Kyle and me, and what will give us the best chances of carrying a child.

I am very anxious to meet this guy, and to have all our questions answered. A friend of a friend went through in-vitro and used this doctor so we are suppose to call her and ask her our questions and get her feedback, but she works until 8:30 at night and that seems so late. it is hard for me to remember to call her. So, we will see.

We are still in deep prayer that the Lord's will be done in our lives and that God give us direction about what he would like for us to do. There is the question of the finances, the timing, the medications...a million things that you don't really think about in too much detail when conceiving naturally. But again, this is when we have to look to God and trust that He is in control.

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